Transaction and trade order conditions and actions
Every time the user creates or modifies a transaction or a trade order, FA runs rules on it. Transaction class methods for the rule condition and action are listed below.
Transaction attribute | Syntax | Additional information | Return type |
Type code | typeCode | String | |
Status code | status | Trade order: ORDER | String |
Order status (if trade order) | orderStatus | 1 = Executable 2 = Executed 3 = Cancelled 4 = Open 5 = Accepted 6 = In execution 7 = Executed in the market 8 = Rejected 9 = Expired 10 = Sent to execution 11 = Settled in the market 12 = Partially executed in the market | String |
Price | price | Price = amount x unit price. That is, price in security currency before fees and taxes are applied. | double |
Trade amount in security currency | tradeAmount | price +/- fees +/- taxes in security currency | double |
Trade amount in portfolio currency | tradeAmountInPortfolioCurrency | double | |
Trade amount in account currency | tradeAmountInAccountCurrency | double | |
Account | account | Account is not mandatory. Check if null before accessing account attributes. | Boolean |
Account's visibility | account.visibility | TRUE = visible FALSE = not visible | Boolean |
Account's number | account.number | String | |
Account's BIC | account.bic | String | |
Settlement place | settlementPlaceCode | String | |
Marketplace | marketPlaceCode | String | |
Counter contact | counter | Contact | |
Parent portfolio | parentPortfolio | Portfolio | |
Parent portfolio's primary contact | primaryContact | Primary contact is not mandatory. Check if null before accessing primaryContact attributes. | Contact |
Parent portfolio's primary contact's Contact ID | primaryContactId | String | |
Parent portfolio’s primary contact’s type code | primaryContactTypeCode | String | |
Parent portfolio’s primary contact's tag | primaryContact.hasTag("$1") | Boolean | |
Parent portfolio's group names | services.getPortfolioService().findPortfolioGroupNamesByPortfolio($t.parentPortfolio).contains("$1") | String | |
Security code | securityCode | If transaction has security, it returns the code. Otherwise, if transaction has an account, it returns the account number. | String |
Security type | securityTypeCode | String | |
Security | security | Security is not mandatory. Check if null before accessing security attributes. | Security |
Security tag | security.hasTag("$1") | Boolean | |
Transaction type effect | type.amountEffect |
| String |
Fee | cost cost2 | double | |
Has tag | hasTag("$1") | ||
Doesn't have tag | hasNotTag("$1") | ||
Has group tag | hasGroupTag("$1") | ||
Doesn't have group tag | hasNotGroupTag("$1") |
Action | Syntax | Additional information |
Change transaction status | $t.setStatus("$1") | Transaction statuses: OK, NF, DEL Trade order status: ORDER |
Change trade order status | $t.setOrderStatus("$1") | 4,0,1,2,3,5,… |
Set a tag | $t.setTag("$1") | Adds a new tag or changes an existing group tag. |
Remove a tag | $t.removeTag("$1") | |
Set transaction type | $t.setTransactionTypeByCode("$1",services) | Sets transaction type on a transaction / trade order based on a code |
Apply a cost or a tax on a transaction or trade order | $t.applyCost1(absolute,relative,min,max,calculationMethod,costTypeCode,services) Parameters: double absolute, double relative, double min, double max, int calculationMethod, String costTypeCode, Services services E.g. setting a relative cost of type FEE $t.applyCost1(0,$1,0,0,0,"FEE",services) Other methods: $t.applyCost2 $t.applyTax1 $t.applyTax2 Calculates tax2 against total cost of the transaction $t.applyTax2OnTotalCost(relative,min,max,calculationMethod,costTypeCode,services) | If absolute cost/tax is given, it is used. Otherwise, relative (%) cost is applied. Min and max used if greater than zero. Calculation method 0 = Method from the trade order. If not defined, same as 1 1 = NOTDEFINED (defaults to unit based) 2 = UNITBASED 3 = GROSSTRADEAMOUNTBASED 4 = NETTRADEAMOUNTBASED costTypeCode is tax type code with tax methods. Always just give ‘services’ as a param. |
Change transaction or trade order type | $t.setType(services.getPortfolioService().loadTransactionType("$1")) | Needs to be a transaction type code that is defined in Preferences. |
Changing settlement date by adding e.g. 2 business days taking security’s holiday calendar into account. | $t.setSettlementDate(com.fasolutions.math.util.BusinessDaysUtil.nextBusinessDate($t.getTransactionDate(),2, $t.getSecurity().getHolidayCalendar(),services.securityService.getReferenceData())) | |
Convert an amount from one currency to another |
| Requires importing
import fi.fasolutions.mod.portfoliomanagement.util.PositionUtils |
Set string to internal info and keep existing information | $t.setIntInfoString("String1", "String2") | Adds the given strings as a key value pair string (e.g. "String1=String2") in the internal info without removing existing data. |