Norwegian SSB fund report
The SSB fund report is a text (.txt) report required by the Norwegian Statistisk sentralbyrå (SSB). It includes information about each fund share class' capital, subscriptions and redemptions, and paid return. It is a reporting obligation to all Norwegian-registered mutual funds, as well as those that are registered abroad but managed by a Norwegian management company. See the official specification for details.
Generate the report in FA Back
To generate a report in FA Back, open the Report window and select "SSB Fund Report (TXT)" from the report list, a fund portfolio, a date period (start and end date), and "TXT" as a file format. For more detailed instructions on how to generate reports, see Report window.
Report fields description and configuration
Field 1 (Felt 1. Rapportør)
Content: Fund management company's organizational number.
Configure: Add an entry in the fund Portfolio's primary Contact ID's settings (see IDs). Set the External name to "Fund management company business ID" and the External ID to the fund management company's organizational number.
Field 2 (Felt 2. Referanseperiode)
Content: End date of the reporting period chosen when generating the report (formatted as
).Configure: Automatically derived.
Field 3 (Felt 3. Utkjøringsdato)
Content: Date when the report is generated (formatted as
).Configure: Automatically derived.
Field 4 (Felt 4. ISIN-kode)
Content: ISIN code of the share class security.
Configure: Modify the ISIN in the share class Security window (see the description of the Basic info tab in the Security window).
Field 5 (Felt 5. Verdipapirfondets organisasjonsnummer)
Content: Fund's organizational number.
Configure: Add an entry in the fund Portfolio's ID's settings (see the description of the ID's tab in Portfolio window). Set the External name to "Fund business ID" and the External ID to the fund's business id.
Field 6 (Felt 6. Verdipapirfondets navn)
Content: Name of the share class.
Configure: Modify the Name in the share class Security window (see the description of the Basic info tab in the Security window ).
Field 7 (Felt 7. Fondstype)
Content: The share class' VFF fund type allocation.
Configure: Add an entry for VFF Fund Type in the allocation settings of the share class security (see the description of the Allocation tab in the Security window ). In case the allocation changes over time, and there are multiple entries, the report uses the entry with the date closest to the end date of your chosen reporting period.
Field 8 (Felt 8. Fond i fond-løsning)
Content: Whether the share class is classified as fund of fund.
Configure: Default value is "n". To indicate "j" in the report, add the tag "SSB fund of funds" to the share class security's other tags (for details, see Security window).
Fiedl 9 (Felt 9. Eieridentifikasjon)
Content: A code defining the identity of the share holders of the share class.
Configure: Automatically derived value based on the shareholder Tax country and Juridical form specified in the Contact window ( see Contact window).
Field 10 (Felt 10. Eiertype)
Content: Whether the units in the share class are held in a nominee account or not.
Configure: Default value is "D". To indicate "N" in the report, add the tag "SSB nominee account" to the shareholder portfolio's other tags (for details, see Portfolio window).
Field 11 (Felt 11. Antall andeler)
Content: The share holder group's collective units in the share class at the end date of the chosen reporting period.
Configure: Automatically derived value.
Field 12 (Felt 12. Netto andelsverdi)
Content: Market value of the share holder group's collective units in the share class in NOK, per last NAV in relation to the end date of the chosen reporting period.
Configure: Automatically derived value.
Field 13 (Felt 13. Tegninger (brutto))
Content: Summary of gross price in NOK of all subscription and dividends as shares transactions (transaction types "SUB", "DIVAS") from the share holder group in the corresponding share class. Including transactions from share holders that have redeemed all shares within the chosen reporting period.
Configure: Automatically derived value.
Field 14 (Felt 14. Innløsninger (brutto))
Content: Summary of gross price in NOK of all redemption transactions (transaction type "RED") from the share holder group in the corresponding share class. Including transactions from share holders that have redeemed all shares within the chosen reporting period.
Configure: Automatically derived value.
Field 15 (Felt 15. Renteavkastningsbeløp)
Content: Summary of gross price in NOK of all interest transactions (transaction type "INT") to the share holder group in the corresponding share class. Including transactions from share holders that have redeemed all shares within the chosen reporting period.
Configure: Automatically derived value.
Field 16 (Felt 16. Utbytteavkastningsbeløp)
Content: Summary of gross price in NOK of all dividend transactions (transaction types "DIV", "DIVAS") to the share holder group in the corresponding share class. Including transactions from share holders that have redeemed all shares within the chosen reporting period.
Configure: Automatically derived value.