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React to changes in FA data

You can integrate the FA Platform with your external system to receive messages about and react to changes in FA data.

Receive messages about core data type changes

You can receive messages when contacts, portfolios, securities, transactions, or trade orders are inserted, modified, or deleted in FA. The messages are sent to a service bus topic called “data-changes” and are available for up to 7 days. The messages only indicate the data type, the action (create, update, or delete), and the object ID.

You can use this functionality for synchronization, for example, by implementing API calls to fetch the updated information that your external sysem uses. To start using this functionality, contact FA.

The following are example messages:

Data type




















Trade order




Define custom integrations to service bus topics

FA Developer allows you to gain value from the messages you receive about data changes when you define custom integrations to the service bus topics. The following is an example Camel route that prints the content of messages arriving in the “data-changes” topic:

<route id="custom-data-changes-listener">
    <from uri="amqp:topic:data-changes/subscriptions/customlistener"/>
    <log message="Received message: ${body}"/>

In this example, the messages are simply recorded in connector microservice system logs. To synchronize FA Platform data with your external system, you can use Apache Camel (for example, REST API) to send the message content to your external system.