Report data calculation
The FA system recalculates report data for all portfolios each night or morning to reflect the current day's portfolio positions. During the day, to ensure that report data remains up-to-date, report data recalculation is triggered when:
A user adds or imports transactions.
Transactions are created as the result of a corporate action, fee run, or trade order execution.
Certain portfolio information is changed, for example, accounts, valuation method, benchmark, or sub-portfolio aggregation.
The system recalculates data only for the portfolios that include securities or positions associated with changes. Since the system handles most of them, as a user, you don't generally need to start report data recalculations. All report data calculations are automated, so you only need to start them yourself in certain situations. To do this, use options in the Update menu at the top, described in the following sections.
Recalculate report data outside schedule
Typically, report data is recalculated based on a schedule, for example, every night (see Update report in FA Back reference). The Update menu allows you to start the recalculation outside the schedule, for example, if the scheduled recalculation was unsuccessful.
Recalculate all report data of the selected group / customer / portfolio.Recalculates purchase lots and report data shown in Analytics+ and reports for the whole history of the selected portfolios.
Recalculate all report data of all portfolios. Recalculates all purchase lots and report data shown in Analytics+ and reports for the whole history of all portfolios in the system. This option prioritizes sub item recalculations over report item recalculations and first drops the report tables to not spend time on deleting individual entries from them and ensure critical FA Back functionalities are available first.
Be careful when starting a full report recalculation for all portfolios. The update can take a long time. Some functionalities become unavailable during the process.
Recalculate purchase lot and report data separately for all portfolios. Allows you to recalculate purchase lots and report data shown in Analytics+ and reports in two separate steps, so you can control what to calculate. For example, you can calculate purchase lots first to ensure critical functions of the system are available as soon as possible, and calculate report data later. You can also only calculate report data, for example, if the purchase lots are up-to-date.
Recalculate purchase lot data (sub items) for all portfolios.Recalculates purchase lots for all portfolios. Afterwards, you can use the main features of FA Back, excluding functionality relying on analytics of report data.
Recalculate report data (report items) for all portfolios.Recalculates all report data for all portfolios. After report data is updated, you can use FA Back functionalities relying on analytics or report data. Ensure that the purchase lots are up-to-date before updating report items.
Re-run the nightly report data update for all portfolios. Recalculates portfolio report data shown in Analytics+ and reports for all active portfolios starting from the last report date until the current date. If portfolio reports are already up-to-date (there are reports for the current date), no recalculation is run.
Recalculate transaction effects
The Update menu allows you to recalculate transaction effects. This is only required if you change the effects of a transaction type in Preference → Transactions → Transaction types but don't click Update (see Transaction types in FA Back reference). For example, you can change the tax or cost effect from "adding" to "reducing", resulting in a different trade amount if taxes or costs are added instead of subtracted. After the transactions are "recalculated" (transaction trade amounts updated based on the effects change), the system recalculates the affected portfolio reports data.
Recalculate transaction effects of selected group / customer / portfolio. Trade amounts and cash flows of transactions in selected portfolios are recalculated to take into account the changes in transaction types.
Recalculate transaction effects of all portfolios. Trade amounts and cash flows of transactions in all portfolios are recalculated to take into account the changes in transaction types.
Be careful when starting a full recalculation for all portfolios. The update can take a long time. Some functionalities become unavailable during the process.
Update market data
Market data connection is available in the Update menu if you receive market prices through a market data connector.
With the Market data connection menu items, you can fetch update codes and prices for securities with the "Active" status. Fetching market prices triggers a report calculation to update the effect of the new market prices in your portfolios. The report calculation affects all portfolios containing securities that receive an updated price, and starts from the earliest market price received.
Get missing update codes. Uploads missing update codes from the external price source and saves them in the Update code 1-3 fields in the Security window. The system uploads a missing code for securities with "Active" status that have ISIN code defined. The ISIN is needed to identify the security to update. Note that some securities (for example, currencies) don't have ISIN codes, so you need to enter the update code manually.
Get market prices. Fetches market prices for "Active" securities with a corresponding update code (if market data connection is enabled for Update code 2 / Close 2, prices are only fetched for securities that have the Update code 2 defined).
Get market prices for past 7/30/365 days. Fetches all prices for the past 7, 30, or 365 days and updates existing market prices. If a market price entry exists for a date, this option updates the market price only in the Close field used by the market data connector. Other Close fields keep the original values.
Get market prices from [date]. Fetches all prices starting from the Earliest market price date configured in Market data connection (FA Back reference), updating existing market prices*.
Get missing market prices. Fetches market prices for each security from the latest existing market price onward. This option allows you to fetch prices that are newer than the newest observation already stored. The system goes through all securities with a corresponding update code, determines the latest available market price date for each, and fetches new prices from that date onward. If a security doesn't have existing market prices, they are fetched starting from the earliest market price date specified in Preference → Adminstration (for details, see Market data connection in FA Back reference). Depending on your existing market price history, prices might be fetched for different time periods for different securities, based on their latest available observation.
Example: A security has a price for 2.1.2019 with entries in the Manual and Close 2 fields. You fetch the market price again and include this date (using a market data connector linked to Update code 2 / Close 2). As a result, the value in Close 2 is updated. The value in Manual stays the same.
Revaluate securities
Revaluate all securities is only available in the Update menu if you have the user role that permits revaluating securities.
The Revaluate all securities menu items allow you to recalculate the discount factors for a specific time period on all your securities that have the base type "DISCOUNT" and other relevant information. The system never calculates discount factors on a security before the beginning of the position or after the maturity date, and all calculations are done until the previous day.
Revaluating securities always triggers a report calculation to update the effect of the new values in your portfolios. The report calculation affects all portfolios containing securities that receive a new valuation. For more details on the revaluation menu items, see Valuation of forward cashflows in FA Back reference.
Show status of portfolio report calculation
The Show pending and ongoing calculations menu item allows you to view pending, ongoing, and failed report calculations. You can refresh the records, export the table as an XLSX file, or delete all records. By default, calculations are deleted automatically after 30 days. The tabs Pending and ongoing and Failed show the following information:
- Scheduled
Scheduled date and time of the report calculation.
- Update since
Date from which onwards the data is calculated. For example, if the date is a week in the future, report calculations are run from that date onwards until the completion time.
- Type
Report calculation type that distinguishes different report calculation jobs. "FULL-ALL" calculates positions and purchase lots for a portfolio's full history, "FULL" calculates positions for a portfolio's full history, "LATEST" calculates positions starting from a specific date, "SUB" only calculates purchase lots, and "REMOVE" removes report data for a portfolio.
- Portfolio ID
Unique ID of a portfolio.
- ID
Report calculation ID.