The capital return corporate action can be mainly used as a tool for recording capital returns to your portfolios.
The capital return corporate action takes the amount for the transactions created from the position of the chosen security in the portfolio, and uses the capital return per share defined in the corporate action as the unit price in calculating the trade amount of the created transaction.
The capital return can be recorded to the system through the Corporate action window with the following information (a star indicates a mandatory field):
- Security*
The security the capital return is payed for. The amount of this security in the portfolio will determine the amount of the transaction created.
- Capital return per share
The capital return payed per share. The value will become the unit price of the transaction created.
- Annual meeting date
The annual meeting date.
- Run based on*
An option to run a corporate action based on:
Ex-date. Define the ex-date and run the corporate action for all portfolio positions (settled and unsettled) that have a transaction date on the previous day or earlier.
Record date. Define the record date and run the corporate action for settled portfolio positions that have a settlement date on the previous day or earlier.
- Expiration date*
(The field is shown if you choose to run the corporate action based on the ex-date). The ex-date of the expiration. The capital return is calculated based on the position amount in portfolios (settled and unsettled) on the morning of the specified date. This date will become the transaction date of the transaction created.
- Expiration record date*
(The field is shown if you choose to run the corporate action based on the record date). The record date. The capital return is calculated based on the settled position amount on the morning of the record date. This date will become the transaction date of the transaction created.
- Settlement date
The settlement date of the capital return, e.g. when the capital return is actually paid to the portfolio.
- Transaction type*
The transaction type for the transactions to be created (if recording capital returns, select "Capital return" or similar).
A new corporate action is created with the OK button below the corporate action information. Remember to run the corporate action to your portfolio(s) in order to create appropriate transactions to your portfolios