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View fund orders

The Orders view shows information about trade orders for funds. You can create, edit, and execute fund orders in FA Back. Fund orders can be executed manually in FA Back or via automatic order execution for funds so that incoming trade orders with Executable status are executed when you accept NAV (see Order execution tab).


View the list of orders

In the Orders view, you can view the fund orders as a list and filter them by any column (for example, share class and status). You can choose a predefined transaction date period (today, previous 7 days, current month, previous month, current quarter, previous quarter) or select specific dates. In the Orders view, you can also:

  • Save a view you created by clicking save-view.png.

  • Restore the view by clicking NAV_history.png.

  • Manage saved views by clicking manage-views.png. In the side pane, you can set a view as the default by clicking set default view.

  • Refresh the list by clicking refresh.png in the top right.

  • Export the list of orders as an XLSX or CSV file.

    • For the whole list, click ExportDownload as CSV/XLSX.

    • For parts of the list, select rows and click ExportDownload as CSV/XLSX.

View order details

To view details for a fund order, click on a row in the list. In the side pane that opens, you can see the following information:

  • Fund order details: Shows the same information as the fund order list columns and the fund order execution method and reference.

  • Documents: Shows documents uploaded for the order, the tags applied to them, and the date and time they were last modified. You can download the documents to your computer.


Order information


The fund or share account to record deposits and withdrawals. The default account used in trade orders is specified in the fund and share class settings

Cashflow (client)

The trade amount from the client's perspective. The amount on each row is summed up into a total amount shown in the last row.

Cashflow (fund)

The trade amount from the perspective of the fund. The amount on each row is summed up into a total amount shown in the last row.


The share class code.

Cost 1 and 2

The cost amount.

Cost type 1 and 2

The cost types from the alternatives defined in the cost type preferences. The cost can be, for example, a credit fee or a transaction fee (see Transaction fees for a fund).


The date and time when the fund order was created.

Description on statement

A description for the transactions and counter transactions that are created from the fund order.

Execution method

The fund order execution method. For more information about execution methods, see Trade order execution method in FA Back reference.

External ID

The external ID of the fund order.

Gross trade amount

The trade amount excluding costs.


The database ID of the fund order in the FA system.

Internal info

A description of the transaction created by the fund order.


The share class ISIN.

Net trade amount

The trade amount including costs.

Payment date

The payment date of the order when the payment date is different from the settlement date.


The name of the shareholder's portfolio.

Receive date

The date when the fund order information was received from the client.

Receive time

The time when the fund order information was received from the client.

Report FX rate

The report exchange rate or the exchange rate between the share class security currency and the shareholder portfolio currency.

Security currency

The share class currency.

Settlement date

The settlement date of the fund order (see ??? in FA Back reference).

Share class

The share class name.


The status of the fund order. The status options are: Open, Accepted, Executable, Sent to execution, In execution, Partially executed in the market, Executed in the market, Settled in the market, Executed, Cancelled, Rejected, and Expired.


The tags applied to the fund order. Tags can be used to sort trade orders or adjust the trade order workflow.

Tax 1 and 2

The tax amount in the transaction. For subscriptions, taxes add the trade amount, and for redemptions, taxes reduce the trade amount.

Tax type 1 and 2

The tax types from the alternatives defined in Preference (see Preference - Taxation in FA Back reference).

Trade time

The time of the trade.

Transaction date

The transaction date. Transaction date determines when the transaction took effect.

Transaction type

Transaction type (subscription or redemption).

Unit price

Preliminary estimation of the order unit price. When the trade order is executed, the system determines the unit price based on recent NAV acceptance.


Preliminary number of units in the fund order. When the trade order is executed, the actual number of units is determined.